The new 28-inch Suction Cutter Dredge, General Bradley, has just successfully completed its first job since it joined Callan Marine’s CSD fleet on the 17th Of May 2022.
The full dredge design & engineering work has been performed by MOTAS Dredging Solutions, a company based in the Netherlands, who also designed and delivered the main dredge components and systems, project management & commissioning.
Flexible spud carrier A particular feature of the dredge is the MOTAS flexible spud carrier with hydraulic buffering including a spud pole tilting device, which makes it possible to work longer in certain sea conditions and increases mobilization flexibility.
We are very proud of being involved in this project and would like to thank the CALLAN MARINE Team and HALIMAR Shipyard for the good cooperation.
Specifics The CSD General Bradley is a diesel-electric driven dredge with following main particulars: Van bergen Van bergen2022-07-12 11:56:122023-07-12 08:08:46A new CALLAN MARINE 28” dredge, designed by MOTAS Dredging Solutions.
MOTAS Dredging Solutions will design, build, supply and commission an equipment package for a Water Injection Dredger (WID) for Malaysia.
The Water Injection Dredger will be built in Malaysia by JICORE Group Incorporated (M) Sdn Bhd. for the Penang Port Authority.
The custom design of the equipment package has already started and will be done inhouse by our engineers in The Netherlands in close co-operation with the JICORE team.
“It is an honour to work together with JICORE and to build this first WID for Malaysia” says Mr. Loh Meng Seng, MOTAS Business Development Representative (South East Asia). The sea trials of this WID will take place early next year, after which the WID will be handed over to the Penang Port.
Production of key equipment is underway and will be done by one of MOTAS’s long term international fabrication partners. Equipment will be installed on the dredger under MOTAS’s supervision.
MOTAS will deliver among others the complete jet-arm with adjustable nozzle beam equipped replaceable nozzles, the gantry, sheave blocks, the swell compensator, the winch, the jetwater pump sets with the Cummings diesel engines, the main hydraulic power pack, Class approved butterfly valves.
Main details of the equipment:
Dredging depth – 18.5 [m]
Length jet arm – approx. 27 [m]
Water flow – 2x 3500 [m3/hr]
Number of pumps – 2
Pump power – approx. 2x 375 [kW]
High efficiency pump – Yes
Nozzle beam – Adjustable
Swell compensator – Yes
Water Injection Dredger (WID)
Dredge Equipment
Engineering and design
Jet arms
Jet beams
Jetwater pumps
Jetwater nozzles
Swell compensator
Hoisting gantry
Hydraulic installation
Fig. 1 – Overview of the jet arm with nozzle beam along the dredger
Fig. 2 – Close up of the of the jet arm with nozzle beam aft of the dredger.Fig. 3 – Jet arm lowered onto seabed. ter Horst ter Horst2022-05-03 10:01:442023-07-12 08:08:50MOTAS receives order for a Water Injection Dredger package for Malaysia
Designing and developing great components is not enough to make a dredging vessel work in the most efficient way. It’s the way the different components and systems work together and communicate what makes a good machine a great machine.
By Eldin Ganic –
A couple of days ago, we took an opportunity to talk about sustainable dredging solutions in today’s world with Georges Teheux, General Manager at MOTAS Dredging Solutions – the IJmuiden based ship builder, equipment manufacturer and technical service provider in marine, dredging and offshore industries.
DT: As an introduction to some of our readers who are not familiar with your company, what can you tell us about your business, the beginnings and where is MOTAS Dredging Solutions today?
Georges Teheux:MOTAS Dredging Solutions was founded 5 years ago and from that point of view it is a relatively young company. Nevertheless, majority of the people working here have a lifetime experience in the dredging industry and as a consequence they bring in a huge amount of knowledge.
As a company, we focus on the development, design and fabrication of dredging equipment and systems. Basically, you can come to us for a single component to a complete dredger.
Often, we go into a process together with our customer. Therefore, we help them in defining the best possible configuration (concept) of equipment for the intended use.
We do not only limit ourselves to a technical/conceptual design, but we also can take complete CAPEX/OPEX analysis into the project, helping our customer in making the right choices and lowest possible ‘total cost of owner ship (TCO)’.
MOTAS photo
DT:Overall, 2020 and 2021 were challenging around the globe in many ways, how did your company sail through that period?
Georges Teheux: In 2020 Q1, we signed some big/complex contracts, so we were quite busy these two years.
The major difference was that we were more or less unable (or difficult) to visit our customer on a regular basis due to the travel and entrance restrictions. Since it is of paramount importance to have intensive communication with all stakeholders in such projects, we had to organize our projects in a different way. Our IT infrastructure was key in facilitating this.
The advantage of being a relatively young company is that we could design our IT infrastructure from the scratch. Moreover, we already made crucial choices in 2016.
As a result, all of our systems were so to say ‘COVID/lock down ready’ before we even knew about the existence of COVID. We only had to refine our working methods to make them more suitable for communication via video conference.
As a result, I can say that it actually helped us in organizing complex processes and projects in a more efficient way. So, from that point of view, we benefited from it in terms of business processes.
MOTAS photo
Of course, we have also seen some downsides. For example, a huge increase in prices of world-wide transport caused some big challenges for us.
Basically, availability of containers had gone down drastically and prices went up dramatically – meaning that for the running projects we had to cope with this which put a lot of strain on some of our projects or project phases, especially in the first year of the pandemic.
Also, our business concept helps in dealing with the current situation: by having co-makers all over the world we can relatively easy shift from for example far east or middle east production to mainland Europe production or the other way around. It all depends on where we need to deliver our final product. Another advantage of this concept is that we could keep our price levels more under control (less increase) then a lot of other companies.
DT: Over the years, MOTAS has added a lot of innovative equipment to the dredging industry. What is currently in the pipeline or what are you and your team currently working on?
Georges Teheux: In general, we can say there is a lot of activity in the market and we are working on quite a few innovative projects and products.
Especially on a product level, we have a more or less continued development – in terms of improving dredging equipment.
Next to looking to our products and services, we put a lot of emphasis on development of our working methods and business culture. All with the aim to have a fast response time and high level of quality and service for a reasonable price.
MOTAS photo
DT: Do you believe that dredging industry can make a difference in improving the environment’s quality, and what is your opinion on this?
Georges Teheux: Yes, it can make the difference. When we look into some of the drivers of the global dredging market, we see that a growing world population is moving to coastal areas, requiring land to be reclaimed and protected.
Global warming, amongst other things, leads to rising sea levels and floods disasters are more likely to occur.
Dredging plays a crucial role in protecting the people living in coastal areas. Also, removal of contaminated sediments from the bottom of lakes and other waterways is a perfect example of how dredging can be beneficial for the environment.
MOTAS photo
DT: Sustainability now comes in many forms, and as a producer of dredging equipment, you have knowledge, data and expertise to make a positive difference. What are your priorities when it comes to creating sustainable dredging solutions?
Georges Teheux: The word sustainable is a ‘big word’ and gives room for a wide range of interpretations.
Nevertheless, looking to the ‘classic’ sustainability pillars: ‘people, planet and profit’, our main focus lies on ‘people’ (customers and suppliers), since we need to do it together.
I think we are very good in creating one team (or blending in) together with our customers and other stakeholders, as we go into projects or product developments.
Maintaining a long-term relationship is our main focus. Next to that, it is of a crucial importance that we get a clear feedback from the end user in order to develop sustainable dredging solutions.
So, definitely our priority is ‘people’ when it comes to sustainable developments. ter Horst ter Horst2022-03-09 13:27:342023-07-12 08:08:51Interview with Georges Teheux, General Manager at MOTAS Dredging Solutions
MOTAS Dredging Solutions designed, fabricated and shipped a cutter ladder for a large Cutter Suction Dredger.
The ladder has been custom designed inhouse by our engineers in The Netherlands and will be installed on the dredger currently under construction. Fabrication and partial outfitting of the ladder was done by one of MOTAS’ long term international fabrication partner. It will be further outfitted once installed on the dredger under MOTAS supervision. The cutter ladder is part of an engineering and components package, that next to delivery of the main dredging components also includes the basic and detailed design of the complete dredge.
The ladder has a total weight after outfitting of about 200 tonnes.
Dimensions are approximately the following (LxHxW) 35.8 x 6.8 x 5.2 m.
The logistics.
Loading and shipping was organized by the MOTAS logistics department. Due to substantial weight and sizeable dimensions of the shipment, the logistics were an interesting challenge for our Team. The object was rolled out of the factory onto a barge along quay at the port of shipment. The barge was towed to a seagoing heavy transport vessel where cranes hoisted the ladder onboard. The total journey from the port of loading to the port of destination took around 30 days, where it arrived in time to start installation.
Specifications of the ladder.
The ladder is made of a heavy duty steel box construction fitted with an underwater dredge pump directly driven by a submerged E-motor. The cutterhead is electrically driven as well, however the cutter drive E-motor is mounted on a gearbox above the waterline. From the gearbox a long cutter shaft is installed, fitted with several bearings up to the cutterhead.
Cutter Suction Dredger (CSD)
Seagoing transport
Heavy duty application
Dredge Equipment
Engineering and design
Fig. 1 Final loading before rolling out to bargeFig. 2 Final loading before rolling out to bargeFig. 3 Loaded on the bargeFig. 43D view of the complete ladder. ter Horst ter Horst2022-02-08 12:15:282023-07-12 08:08:57MOTAS transports large Cutter Ladder
For customer DC Dredging, MOTAS Dredging Solutions produced two dragheads, which will be installed on the sand & gravel dredgers DC Ostend and DC Brugge.
Both dragheads will be used to dredge sand and gravel offshore at concessions in the North Sea.
The draghead visors are fitted with knife plates, which are able to cut effectively into the soil. Furthermore both dragheads are fitted with jetwater nozzles in the heel plates. These nozzles inject water into the sand, which expands and loosens it before being dredged up. Internally, the dragheads are lined with so called “chocky bars”. These wear resistant tiles protect the draghead from excessive wear when dredging abrasive sands and gravels.
The production
The dragheads were fabricated by a co-maker under the supervision and following the QC procedures of a dedicated local MOTAS production manager. Having a dedicated production manager is of paramount importance for MOTAS, since this enables us to ensure high quality end products independent of the co-maker.
The dragheads were delivered on time and within budget.
Short specifications:
Draghead TSHD “DC Ostend”
Suction diameter : 850mm
Total weight : approx. 8 ton
Width : approx. 2.5 m
Excavating knifes : YES
Jetwater through heel : YES
Chocky blocks : internally lined
Draghead TSHD “DC Brugge”
Suction diameter : 600mm
Total weight : approx.. 6 ton
Width : approx. 2.4 m
Excavating knifes : YES
Jetwater through heel : YES
Chocky blocks : internally lined
Sand & gravel dredging
Knife plates
Jetwater nozzles in heel
Wear resistant chocky bars
Heavy duty
Trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD)
Fig 1. 3D model of the 850 draghead Fig 2. Side view of one of the dragheadsFig 3. Top view of the 850 draghead, ready for transport.Fig 4. Bottom view of the 850 draghead, ready for transportFig 5. Rear view of the 850 draghead.
f ter Horst ter Horst2022-01-07 11:14:172023-07-12 08:09:02MOTAS delivers two dragheads to DC Dredging
IJmuiden- The Netherlands. MOTAS Dredging Solutions has produced and delivered a first set of high-quality Fenders for the CSD Spartacus, the largest Cutter Suction Dredger in the world.
MOTAS Dredging Solutions engineered, produced and delivered a set of Fenders for DEME’s CSD Spartacus. The Fenders are custom made for the CSD Spartacus and exist of several high-quality components that can be mounted on the vessel but can just as easily be dissembled.
The Fenders safeguard the CSD Spartacus from large vessels, such as hopper barges, which moor alongside while the CSD Spartacus is in full operation. The Fenders are engineered in such a way that they give the CSD Spartacus maximum protection from vessels approaching at every possible angle and speed. This because MOTAS Dredging Solutions paid close attention to 3 critical components: first being high energy absorption capabilities of the fenders, second the durability and wear resistance of the fenders and third, easy use and secure mounting to the side of the hull.
“MOTAS designed, constructed and delivered the Fender System in close cooperation with DEME’s project team.”
Georges Teheux, MOTAS dredging solutions
A high quality package
The Fender units themselves consist of several different parts, such as the main frame which is made from steel which is the part that is mounted on the hull. The rubber fender elements are capable of high energy absorption and have a low reaction force. The fender wear pads, also called liners, are made from Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE). The combined qualities of these materials, whilst being wear resistant, as well as the unprecedented size make the whole modular system unique and innovative. While always offering maximum protection to the CSD Spartacus.
Proof in testing
The rubber fenders and liners were thoroughly tested throughout the full manufacture process to ensure DEME received a high-quality Fender System in a unique size. The rubber fenders were tested through compression under a 1000-ton bench. Whereas samples of the liners were checked for quality and approved by the internationally renowned inspection society.
Largest and most powerful Cutter Suction Dredger in the world
Fig 1. Rubber Fender compression test.Fig 2. Fully assembled unit.Fig 3. Fully assembled unit. Figure 4: Artist impression of the vessel with the fenders shown on the side ter Horst ter Horst2021-11-10 15:54:222024-03-21 09:14:23MOTAS Dredging Solutions delivers Fenders for CSD Spartacus
IJmuiden- The Netherlands, On the 10th of September Rohde Nielsen inaugurated DP2 fall pipe rock installation vessel Grane R in a name giving ceremony.
MOTAS dredging solutions designed, built, engineered, and installed the custom-made Fall Pipe installation in close cooperation with Rohde Nielsen. It will be used to accurately lay foundations on the seabed for offshore structures such as offshore windmills or to cover underwater trenches in which cables are placed. Due to the limited space on board of the Grane R the engineers of MOTAS had to work with every available m² of space. Therefore they integrated the Fall Pipe System in such a way that it takes up very little place when stored on board. The Fall Pipe System, when retracted, can be stored on the side deck of the ship.
Telescopic pipe and active motion compensation
The system is outfitted with a telescopic pipe extendable 0-10 meters, for flexibility. Due to the telescopic pipe, the Grane R can install rock accurately up to a depth of 60 meters. The telescopic section of the pipe can be operated via a computer which is located on board of the Grane R. Another feature that MOTAS engineered is the active motion compensation system. This system makes it possible to keep the pipe near-static positioned, even when it is being operated in rough seas. This combination of systems makes the Fall Pipe System very accurate when it comes to installing rock.
Turnkey delivery
MOTAS dredging solutions engineered, built and delivered the complete Fall Pipe System to Rohde Nielsen. The project was done in close cooperation with the client, resulting in a turnkey delivery. Offering turnkey solutions in this way is an important distinction of MOTAS Dredging Solutions.
Specifications for this project
Rock capacity: 4900 t – option to increase
Fall pipe size: Ø 1200 mm
Max. rock size: 400 mm
Fall pipe operational depth: 8-60 m – options for additional depth ter Horst ter Horst2021-10-13 11:31:412023-07-12 08:09:11Custom made Fall Pipe System for Rohde Nielsen’s Grane R
MOTAS Global Dredging Solutions completes project in France
IJMUIDEN – For the GIE Dragages Ports, MOTAS Global Dredging Solutions engineered a jetwater installation and delivered key components for a Water Injection Dredger. Recently, this WID has been taken into operation and is being used by the Grand Port Maritime de Bordeaux (member of GIE Dragages Ports), France.
The sea trials of this Water Injection Dredger took place in July this year, after which the WID was handed over to the customer. “A great and challenging project has now been successfully concluded,” says Georges Teheux, General Manager at MOTAS Global Dredging Solutions at the offices of MOTAS in IJmuiden, The Netherlands.
Full package and turnkey delivery For this project, MOTAS provided an integrated system consisting of the design and the construction of the jet arms, jet pumps, swell compensator, jet beam and hoisting gantry for the Water Injection Dredger. The hydraulic installation, the automation, monitoring and the electric systems were also supplied by MOTAS.
‘A great and challenging project has now been successfully concluded’
Georges Teheux, MOTAS Dredging Solutions
“The largest component of this system is the arm, through which jetwater can be injected into soils at depths up to 22 meters”, says Senior Project Engineer Barend de Wijn. The resulting fluidized sand mixtures than flow down slopes and are eventually carried away by tides and currents.
Challenge The biggest challenge of the project was the design of the jet arm suspension and the hinges to the vessel. During operation the arm is subjected to dynamic movements of the vessel, upwards and sideways. For example by the swell or an uneven seabed. We have incorporated several passive and active components in the design to absorb these movements, such as an hydraulic swell compensator and others. Another unique element in this design is the jet beam, which can be tilted for optimal fluidization of the soil.
Improvements For this project, MOTAS made a completely unique design. The installation is autonomous and is interchangeable for other vessels. MOTAS does not merely supply the hardware, but also provides the automation and monitoring.
Specifications of this project
Several automated dredging modes.
Jet arms
Jet beams
Jetwater pumps
Jetwater nozzles
Swell compensator
Hoisting gantry
Hydraulic installation
Electrical systems
The L’Ostrea Water Injection Dredge, is currently being used by Dragages Ports.The Water Injection Dredge arm put into use by Grand Port Maritime de Bordeaux, France. Van bergen Van bergen2020-12-01 11:18:232023-07-12 08:09:40Water Injection Dredger for port of Bordeaux successfully launched
IJmuiden, the Netherlands – MOTAS Dredging Solutions has designed and constructed a customised Ladder plus Underwater Cutting Wheel combination for Rohr-Idreco. On the 5th of November, ROHR-IDRECO successfully launched the electrical dredger.
MOTAS Dredging Solutions designed and constructed the ladder plus Underwater Cutting Wheel (UCW), which will be used by the South American gold mining company. To increase throughput, the mining company required a new tool and a more efficient way of mining.
The integration of the UCW and the ladder into the ROHR-IDRECO dredger was done in close cooperation between the project management and engineering teams.
“The MOTAS Dredging Solutions design weighs 20% less compared to conventional Underwater Cutting Wheel designs”
(Barend de Wijn, MOTAS)
Soil expertise
Engineers at MOTAS Dredging Solutions have extensive knowledge of different excavating processes, required for different types of soil. With this knowledge, MOTAS Dredging Solutions is capable of providing the most suitable and cost-efficient solution for each mining and dredging application.
Hydraulic driven cutting wheel
During the design process of the cutting wheel, Senior Engineer Barend de Wijn noticed a compelling opportunity: “Conventional designs use electric motors and heavy gearboxes to drive the wheel, this new design has a direct drive from a hydraulic motor giving it a lighter, more reliable result”.
With a wheel diameter of 2.5 meters, the specification of the UCW is impressive. Furthermore the cutting knives of the wheel are fabricated from a wear resistant material resulting in reduced downtime. Provided with a 36 meter ladder, the UCW is able to mine at depths of up to 28 meters.
“We offer the entire process. From design and transport to installation and system integration. ”
(Georges Teheux, MOTAS)
The ladder
MOTAS built the entire ladder for this project. In order to maximise competitiveness, MOTAS devised a way to do this as timely and as cost efficient as possible. The ladder was divided into 3 sections and shipped by regular container transport from The UAE to Germany. On arrival it was aligned and welded together. It underwent further quality checks before the final painting was applied. The whole transport took MOTAS under 5 weeks; from our location in the UAE until the arrival at the yard in Wesel, Germany.
Offering turnkey solutions in this way is an important distinction of MOTAS Dredging Solutions.
Specifications for this project
Underwater Cutting Wheel (UCW)
A ladder of 36 m long
A wheel diameter of 2.5 m
Custom made
Wear resistant knives
Direct drive by high torque hydraulic motor
Low spillage
Efficient logistics by sea and by road within 5 weeks
Co-operation with ROHR-IDRECO Van bergen Van bergen2020-11-11 08:26:592023-07-12 08:09:43Customised Ladder and Underwater Cutting Wheel combination for ROHR-IDRECO
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